Scylla (also known as Sculla and named differently in some countries, including "Afskylia" in the original Danish version.
Has kidnaped Hugos wife Hugoline and their three children, Rit, Rat and Rut. Because she need them to make magical beauty treatment.
You must help Hugo rescue his family and defeat Sculla to bring peace to the woods, where the troll family lives.
You must complete a number of minigames and guessing games.
Meanwhile Scylla the witch, watches Hugo's progress and casts spells to stop him, from reaching her lair in the Skull Cave at a mountain peak.
Train: When a arrow is showen (right or left), track switch will apear ahead.
Press <4> and <6> to turn down the switch. I found out that, if you are playing amiga forever. You must press:
4 = a
6 = d
Mountain: <4> will make him pick up backs of gold. <5> will make Hugo jump. And <9> will bring him to the next level. Amiga forever press:
4 = a
5 = w
9 = w+d
Afskylias cave: Press <1>, <2>, <3> or <4> in order to choose a rope.
Train: When a arrow is showen (right or left), track switch will apear ahead.
Move your joystick in the same direction at the arrow points. In order to turn the switch.
Mountain: Hugo will jump if you move the joystick forward, and jump to the platform if you move the joystick to the left.
He will move on to the next level, if you move the joystick to the top right corner.
Scyllas cave: Move the joystick left or right, until the number of your choice lights up.
Then press fire.
Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.
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