While on an archeological expedition, Indiana Jones stumbles across the remote village of Mayapore in India. Following the theft of the powerful Sankara Stone which once protected the village and its people, the town lay in ruin and its children are mysteriously missing. Indy discovers the enslaved children are being held captive in the evil Pankot Palace — the home of the Maharajah. Mola Ram, the ruthless High Priest, has forced the children to mine for precious gems and the other missing
Sankara Stones.
indy's adventure begins once he enters the Mine Caverns below the palace where he must free the imprisoned children and escape the Thugee guards. Upon reaching the mine tunnel entrance, Indy hurls down a treacherous course in a rickety mine car, leading him to the Temple of Doom. Once in the Temple, he must retrieve the Sankara Stones encircled by a firey lava pit. After recovering all three Stones, Indy must then escape from the Temple by crossing a perilous rope bridge guarded by the fireball-throwing Mola Ram.
The Game Levels
There are three levels in the game: the Mine Caverns, the Mine Tunnels and the Temple of Doom. Proceed through the first two levels to reach the Temple of Doom, where you must retrieve a Sankara Stone. After you have the stone, a door will open that will take you back to the first level. Proceed through all the levels again to recover another stone. After recovering all three stones, make your escape over the bridge. A "bonus round" is awarded if you escape successfully.
Level 1 — The Mine Caverns
Indy's mission is to work his way through the maze-like Caverns and find the entrance to the Mine Tunnels. To get there he must climb up and down ladders and swing from one ledge to another by wrapping the whip around the swinging posts. Indy also faces a variety of perils while on his journey; bats and snakes can make the going rough. An army of Thuggee guards awaits Indy at every turn. Use the whip to kill snakes and bats, and to stun the Thuggee guards. On the Medium and Hard Routes, watch out for spikes that rise up from the ground. Free the imprisoned children by whipping the locks off their cages. Watch out for Mola Ram, the evil High Priest; he can appear suddenly and send a fireball hurling towards Indy. After recovering a stone, you wilt be transported back to this level, where conveyor belts can move you along quickly. Watch out though, sometimes they move too quickly, or in the wrong direction! On your third pass through the Mine Caverns, you'll have to work your way across rickety bridges teetering over firey lava pits. Commodore and Apple users please note: you will face the conveyor belts the first time throught the Mine Caverns.
Level 2 — The Mine Tunnels
As Indy races down the tracks, he must fight off Thuggee guards while watching out for oil drums, missing tracks and other hazards. Tilt the mine car to the left or right to avoid the hazards on the rails or to change tracks when necessary. Pull back on the joystick to slow down the mine car. Don't make any wrong turns or Indy will never make it to the Temple of Doom.
Level 3 — The Temple of Doom
In the Temple of Doom, Indy has to recover the Sankara Stone located in front of the statue of Kali, the four-armed goddess of death. The statue is on a small island completely surrounded by molten lava. Maneuver Indy around the firey lava pit to reach the trap door that opens and closes. To get the stone, Indy must stand over the trap door while it is closed. Time his run so that he can grab the stone and escape to safety. After he has recovered a stone, he will be transported back to the first level.
Once Indy has retrieved all three stones, he must make his escape over a rope bridge. Watch out, though! Old Mola Ram will try to keep Indy from crossing the bridge by hurling fireballs.
The Scoreboard
The Scoreboard for both players is located on the right-hand side of the screen. The Scoreboard lists points earned, number of children saved, number of stones recovered and number of lives remaining. Extra lives can be earned for each 10,000 points scored. Points are scored for killing snakes and bats, stunning Thuggee guards, rescuing children, and successfully completing a level.
Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.
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