The cold morning air chills your bones as you, the admiral of your country’s naval forces look out from the bridge into the dense blanket of fog lying on the ocean’s surface. "Where are they?" you
ask yourself with a sudden realization that you alone must seek and destroy the enemy fleet before they find yours. Do you have the nerve to face the ultimate naval challenge and bring victory home
to your country? Will your fleet stand up to the brutal pounding of the enemy guns long enough to sink the enemy armada? If you destroy the enemy fleet you are rewarded in a victory sail past.
If your fleet is sunk, you're doomed to a watery grave.
Your mission is to seek out and destroy your enemy before he destroys you. Both you and your opponent(s) will secretly place your battleships on a grid map. Then each player will take turns trying to sink the other's ships. To win the game, strategically place your fire power and sink your opponent's battleships before he sinks yours.
The first screen presents you with a menu of options. To make your selections with a joystick, place the cursor on the desired option and press the fire button. To make your selections with a mouse, place the cursor on the desired option and click the left mouse button.
1. A one player game against the computer.
2. A two player game with a friend.
3. A multiplayer tournament between two or more players. Two players at any one time; the winner can then take on a challenger and by repeated wins against "all comers" can build up a high score.
4. Salvo Fire:
Salvo Fire On: You can shoot an entire round of ammo at a time.
Salvo Fire Off: You can shoot, at best, 4 shots at a time.
5. Speech on/off (Amiga only).
Strategically place each of your ships on the grid map. If you are playing a human opponent, make sure your moves are made secretly.
Placing ships using a joystick: Move the cursor over a graphic ship at the side of the map. Press the fire button and move the ship to the desired map location. Press the fire button again to place the ship on the grid map.
Each player is asked in turn to place shots by selecting a grid coordinate. This is done by positioning your cursor on the grid map and pressing the fire button or the left mouse button.
When you've selected your last target, the screen will flip to a graphic representation of the fleet at sea. Missiles will be fired from your ship as aircraft fly overhead, and the progressive destruction of your enemy will be shown. Next the grid map will be shown with the hits and misses indicated with different color grid squares.
Your fire power (number of shots) will decrease if your opponent manages to sink more of your ships. If you manage to sink more of your opponent's ships, his fire power decreases.
The battle is over when one fleet is sunk. The winner is rewarded in a victory sail past, the loser sleeps with the fish.
It is important to strategically place your ships at the beginning of the game if you want to win. Normally it is not a good idea to place ships close together. When a hit is scored in an area, that area is usually pelted the next round, so ships that are grouped together tend to go down together.
It also helps to know the different shapes and sizes of the various ships. When you score a hit, the screen will show you which ships were hit. Knowledge of the sizes of these ships will help you plan your next shots efficiently.
When the multiplayer option is selected, the winner of each game is awarded points. The fewer shots taken to destroy the enemy fleet, the more points awarded the winner. The winner of each round advances to fight the next challenger. If the victor of each round scores a high enough score, he enters his name on the high score table. The tournament winner is the player with the most points at the end of the tournament.
Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.
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