l glanced up at the flag waving forlornly in the acid sharp breeze. ‘The United States of Earth' was what it represented, but the enormous number of stars it had accumulated over the centuries made it look more like a dirty rag. I turned my attention back to the N.W.O. building ahead. It was, as it was meant to be, an imposing building, both in size and in design. It sharp spires, oddly coloured windows and antique building materials were the ultimate tribute to the ugliness of an age long passed. I had only been here twice before, and the results of each visit are still etched in my mind - as are anyone's worst horrors...
Seated before the council of 7, I struggled to maintain a dignified calm. The room was cemetery quiet - the old men holding me firmly in their collective gaze. At length, one of them rose to speak...
The New World Order Greet you agent Black. Thank you for arriving so promptly'. I grinned inwardly at the rhetorical compliment. He continued...
We of the council have reason to believe that the Cultists are operating again.’ My stomach froze. I had really known this all along, although l had not wanted to believe it. My other missions for the N.W.O. had involved the Cultists, and both had involved more violence than any man could be expected to endure. But I had survived, sanity more-or-Iess intact, and had made the mistake of thinking the N.W.O. we set fit to retire me from further Cultist missions.
‘Evidence suggests that Cultist infiltrators are smuggling equipment and resources off Earth, on an Earth Starcruiser, and are time jumping to cover their activities. We believe we know which Starcruiser is involved but due to the time jumping have no strong evidence to implicate it.'. My mind reeled - Time jumping? Had they really gone that far? The dangers of time jumping had long ago been established, ever since spacecraft were capable of reaching the phenomenal speeds necessary - it’s tendency to unravel the very fabric of the universe - the mind shattering effect it had on it’s practitioners.
‘We have arranged with the owner of the concerned shipping company to have you teleported aboard the suspected StarCruiser. She has personally guaranteed us of your safe cover and passage. Your mission is simply to determine the Cultist's destination, and return such information to us. Again, we
thank you for your co-operation.’ He sat. I left.
l had a bad feeling about this mission. It nagged at me all through a mostly sleepless night, right up until I reported to the Teleport Centre the next day. As I lay on the teleport couch, watching one reality fade while another took it's place, I hoped that things would go as smoothly as the council has
Yeah! right! As you emerge from the teleport, plasma cannon at the ready, Hordes of Cultist warriors rush you from dark corners of the StarCruiser! You, or you and a friend, must find the exit before you get killed...and eventually locate the Cultist's destination. Along the way, you collect Weapon boosts for your cannon, the occasional healthy drink, and lots of other goodies! You begin a game with three lives, and continue until you either run out of lives, or discover the secret of Gloom.
Undead servants of Gloom
Barely visible to the human eye, these poor souls are doomed to a life of tormented servitude. Their arrival is heralded by an unearthly shriek, while their lack
Dedicated to the mysterious ways of the Cult, Metaphisix is a bit of an enigma. Metaphisix is reputed to be capable of removing a man's soul while leaving
To aid you in your dispatch of the various foes you will encounter playing Gloom, you are equipped with a standard issue Plasma Cannon. Your cannon is capable of five degrees of firepower, and can be boosted by collecting weapon powerups. Collecting a weapon powerup of the same type as you are using will increase your Plasma Cannon’s firing rate.
You will meet many strange and unpleasant creatures during your travels. Here is a brief description of some to watch out for.
Cultist Warrior
You will encounter many of these during the early phases of your mission. Although not too bright, the Cultist Warrior is a persistent foe.
Terran Construction Droid (Terra)'
Slow moving but hard to destroy, Terra is also armed with a high energy Plasma rifle. Watch out for these!
Gloom is the first game for newcomers Black Magic. Boasting varying degrees of involvement in such hits as Skidmarks, Guardian, Overkill and Blitz Basic, Black Magic are concentrating on producing exciting, action packed games. If you’ve got any comments or questions regarding Gloom, please feel free to write to us. Why not write to us anyway and let us know you care!
Expect more Black Magic very soon...
Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.
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