Helicopter Mission

Helicopter Mission is a promotional game from Germany. Published by Rauser for the commodore amiga in 1994.

Mission 1: Trainingsmission
Mission 2: Fallschirm
Mission 3: Sanitätsdienst
Mission 4: Konturenflug
Mission 5: Lufttransport
Mission 6: Luftrettung
Mission 7: Nothilfe


Willkommen zu "Helicopter Mission"
Die Bundeswehr kennt jeder - fast täglich steht sie Im Mittelpunkt der Berichterstattung von Funk, Fernsehen und Zeitungen. Vielfältig sind die Möglichkeiten, etwas über die Streitkräfte zu erfahren. Man kann Ausstellungen der Bundeswehr besuchen. Informationsschriften lesen, Filme ansehen. Vielleicht hat man auch Freunde, die als Soldat dabei sind oder waren und einiges vom Leben beim "Bund" aus eigener Erfahrung berichten. Die Bundeswehr auf Diskette, als Computerspiel - das ist neu. In "Hellcopter-Mission" gilt es, verschiedene Aufgaben aus dem Alltag eines ubschrauberpiloten zu lösen. Sein Auftrag: Schützen, Retten, Helfen!

Also: Mitmachen beim schwierigen Flug über Land oder See.

Wer die Aufgaben erfüllt und die höchsten Punktzahlen erreicht, kann vielleicht später bei einem Besuch die Hubschrauber der Bundeswehr live erleben.

Doch zuerst: Viel Spaß mit "Helicopter-Mission" !

Das Cockpit
Rechts zeigt ein Windmesser die oktuelle Windrichtung an, die den Flug des Hubschraubers beeinflußt. In der Mitte ist ein Höhenanzeiger angebracht, der, sobald die Mindestabwurfhöhe
für Kisten oder Fallschirmspringer erreicht ist, weiß wird. Rechts daneben steht die Punkteanzeige. Auf der linken Seite werden Informationen eingeblendet.

Das Spiel
Im Spiel werden verschiedene Aufgaben gestellt. Diese werden links auf der Tafel angezeigt. Es können auch mehrere Aufgaben hintereinander angezeigt werden. Sobald alle Aufgaben gelöst
sind, wird angezeigt, daß man zum Startplatz (Landekreuz - H) zurückkehren muß.

Am Startplatz kann auch wieder aufgetankt werden.

Wenn Ladung abzusetzen ist, muß diese in den Zielkreisen landen. Fallschirmspringer Jedoch sollten so nahe wie möglich om Zielkreis landen, um eine hohe Punktzahl zu erreichen. Wenn Verletzte geborgen werden müssen, so muß man diese erst finden. Rettungsinsein mit Verletzten können abgetrieben werden. Ebenfalls können sie mit mehreren Verletzten besetzt sein!
Die verschiedenen Hubschrauber, die zur Auswahl stehen, können unterschiedlich viel Ladung aufnehmen und haben deshalb auch verschiedene Flugelgenschaften.

Nach Jeder Mission werden Codewörter ausgegeben. Wird dieses am Anfang des Spieles eingegeben. kanns! Du bei der Mission weiterspielen,bei der das Codewort ausgegeben wurde, allerdings mit null Punkten.

Wird eine bestimmte Höchstpunktzanhl erreicht, so wird ein spezielles Paßwort im Schlußbild ausgegeben. Mit diesem Paßwort kannst Du am interessanten Wettbewerb teilnehmen. Dazu mußt
Du dieses auf eine Postkarte schreiben und es an die im Spiel angegebene Adresse schicken.

Hinweis: Um die Höchstpunktzahl zu erreichen, muß das Spiel von vorne gespielt werden, d.h. es dürfen keine Codewörter genutzt werden.

Die Bundeswehr - Aufgabe mit Zukunft
In den letzten Jahren hat sich die sicherheitspolitische Lage in Europa grundlegend gewandelt. Dies ist nicht ohne Auswirkungen auf die Bundeswehr geblieben. Die Streitkräfte verändern sich. Umfang, Struktur, Aufgabenfelder und Einsatzmöglichkeiten werden neu definiert.

Um ihren Auftrag erfüllen zu können, braucht die Bundeswehr jährlich rd. 20 000 neue Zeitsoldaten - als Unteroffiziere und Offiziere.

Kleinere, aber dennoch professionelle Streitkräfte benötigen einen höheren Anteil an jungen militärischen Vorgesetzten mit Führungs- und Ausbildungsaufgaben. Daher haben diejenigen,
die sich für eine längere Verpflichtungszeit Interessieren, gute Perspektiven für ihre persönliche und berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung.

Was bietet die Bundeswehr?
Die Bundeswehr bietet vielfältige Berufs- und Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten. Die Arbeitsplätze sind für die Dauer der Verpflichtungszeit sicher. Wer eine berufliche Vorbildung Mitbringt, kann - Eignung und Bedarf vorausgesetzt - auch berufsnah eingesetzt werden. Das bedeutet für ihn, beruflich nicht nur auf dem laufenden bleiben zu können, sondern sich in der Regel auch noch weiterbilden zu können. Im Rahmen der militärischen Aus- und Fortbildung kann der Soldat auf Zeit - je nach Eignung, Vorbildung, Verpflichtungsdauer und Verwendungsbereich - zivil anerkannte Berufsabschlüsse mit Abschluß vor der Handwerksbzw. Industrie- und Handelskammer auf verschiedenen Ebenen erreichen - vom Kfz-Mechaniker oder Koch (Gesellenebene) über den Industriemeister Elektrotechnik bis hin zum staatlich aenrüften Betriebswirt.

Am Ende und je nach Länge der Dienstzeit bestehen Ansprüche auf Berufsförderung zwischen 6 und 60 Monaten. Darüber hinaus erhält der Soldat nach Ablauf seiner Verpflichtungszeit umfangreiche finanzielle und materielle Hilfen, damit der Ubergang ins Zivilleben reibungslos klappt.

OÖffizieranwärtern, die sich für mindestens 12 Jahre verpflichtet haben und die bildungsmäßigen Voraussetzungen erfüllen, bietet die Bundeswehr ein Studium an einer der beiden Bundeswehr-Universitäten in Hamburg oder München. Die angebotenen Studiengänge und Studienabschlüsse sind denen der öffentlichen Hochschulen gleichwertig.

Die 13 angebotenen Studiengänge reichen von geisteswissenschaftlichen, über wirtschafts- und sozlalwissenschoftliche bis zu naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Fächern.

Was man sonst noch lernen kann
Aber nicht nur fachlich kann man etwas bei der Bundeswehr lernen. Der Soldat kann - egal ob Unteroffizier oder Offizier - vielfältige Erfahrungen sammeln, seinen Horizont erweitern und "soziale" Qualifikationen erwerben, die im Leben immer nützlich sind:

- den Umgang mit Menschen und die Fähigkeit zur

- selbständiges Handeln (Entschlußkraft, Verantwor-
tungsbewußtsein, Durchsetzungsvermögen)

- die Arbeit im Team

- Erfahrung In Planung, Organisation, Koordination von
Arbeitsabläufen und im Einsatz von Personal und Material

- Grundkenntnisse moderner Technologien und Verfahren

- Verständnis für die Funktionsweise eines Großbetriebes

- Kenntnisse in der Verwaltungspraxis

- Sprachkenntnisse

- Körperliche Fitneß

Je nach Verwendung können hinzukommen:

-  Spezialkenntnisse auf technischem Gebiet

- Kenntnisse in der Handhabung von Management- und

- Kenntnisse in der Datenverarbeitung

- Erfahrungen als Lehrer und Fachausbilder

-  Auslandserfahrungen.

Die finanzielle Seite
Als Wehrpflichtiger erhält man Wehrsold, als Zeitsoldat Besoldung.
Die Anfangsbesoldung eines ledigen Grenadiers, Fliegers oder Matrosen beträgt ca. 2.110.- DM (in den NBL: 80 %: Stand: Januar 94). Diese steigt mit Dienstgrad, Dienstalter. Familienstand eic.. aber auch mit einer oder mehreren der zahlreichen möglichen Zulagen.

Wichtig ist:
Vom Bruttogehalt werden lediglich die Steuern abgezogen. Sozialversicherungs- und Krankenkassenbeitröge braucht der Soldat nicht zu zahlen. Er hat Anspruch auf unentgeltliche trup-
penörztliche Versorgung, erhält ein 13. Monatsgehalt, Urlaubsgeld, Vermögenswirksame Leistungen und anderes mehr.

Die Wehrverwaltung des Bundes
Nicht nur als Soldat kann man beim Bund arbeiten. Im Rahmen der Wehrverwaltung des Bundes werden rund 160.000 zivile Mitarbeiter - Männer und Frauen - als Beamte, Angestellte,
Arbeiter beschäftigt. Dazu kommen etwa 5.000 Auszubildende. Auch hler wird nach wie vor junger, engagierter Nachwuchs in den Laufbahngruppen des einfachen, mittleren, gehobenen und höheren Dienstes sowohl im technischen als auch nichttechnischen Dienst sowie in sonstigen Fachdiensten gesucht. Frauen haben hier die gleichen Möglichkeiten und Chancen wie Männer.

Wer sich für die vielseitigen und interessanten Täfigkeiten bei der Bundeswehr interessiert, kann sich bei den Wehrdienstberatern in den Kreiswehrersatzämtern informieren oder schickt den Info Coupon an:

Streitkräfteamt - InfoService
Postfach 140 189
53127 Bonn.

Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.

Hugo paa nye eventyr del 2

Eleva2rens egen Hugo er i sin søgen efter Hugoline og troldebørnene nået til den forheksede
skov og den efterfølgende flyvetur. Han skal helskindet igennem begge baner for at redde sin

Begge baner findes i en nem TV-version mage til den, du kender fra flernsynet, og i en svær
arcade-version, hvor du skal igennem hele spillet 3 gange, før du får odgang ti Afskylia's hule
med Hugoline og troldebønene.

Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.

Flight of the amazon queen

Flight of the Amazon Queen is a adventure game by Interactive Binary Illusions originally released in 1995 for the commodore Amiga.

What The Heck Is This Game All About:

In Flight of the Amazon Queen you play the role of Joe King, pilot for hire, as you follow his tongue In cheek adventures in the South American Jungles, circa 1949.

Joe is scheduled to fly movie star Faye Russel to an Amazon jungle location for the shooting of her latest film, JUNGLE PASSION. Arriving at a hotel in Rio to pick her up he Is tricked by his rival, an unscrupulous Dutch flyboy called Anderson, and locked in one of the hotel rooms. Anderson plans to fly Faye to the jungle himself in an effort to run Joe out of business.

It’s your job to take control of Joe, help him escape from the hotel and foil the plans of the flying Dutchman. Once done, you'll fly Faye into the Amazon jungle where you Il encounter a dangerous temple, fearsome Amazonian warriors, and a power mad scientist intent on taking over the world!

It’s up to you to deal with the imminent threat of world domination... but be careful, or this may be the last Flight of the Amazon Queen!

One of the things we could do with this foreword is tell you how much hard work it was putting together Amazon Queen, and inundate you with the technical specifications of the game. You probably don’t want to hear about that, and like any traumatic experience we're trying to block it from our memory. Seriously, though, Amazon Queen was hard work, but so is anything worthwhile. Of course, you'll have to work this out for yourself by playing the game, and this play guide.

will help you get through some of the tough bits.

To give you some insight into the way our minds work and to give you an advantage in solving some of the puzzles, it may help you to know a little about us. Some of these facts may, or may not, be true...

Steve was discovered by his adoptive parents in a crop circle in downtown New York during the Great Depression. Even to this day he has an adverse reaction to congestive traffic and muggings. He drew all the pictures and codesigned the game with John. His favourite colour is blue and he likes broccoli.

John was raised by cows in the jungles of Tibet, which goes a long way toward explaining the numerous udder jokes that appear in the game. He was the lead programmer and scripter, and co-designed the game with Steve. John collects milk bottle caps and his favourite word is “moo”.

lt was great fun reading through this hint book the first time and getting someone else's take on the story. After working on something for so long, everything becomes blurred together, and this book allowed us to take a step back, look at the work and shake our heads saying “What have we
done...” What have we done?

So we'd like to congratulate Cam Winstanley on the great job he’s done with the hing book - we laughed out loud on many occasions, but mostly while we were reading It. We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank those people whose involvement with Amazon Queen helped make it the
game it is today. Those fortunate few are Tony Ball, Richard Joseph and Graeme Boxall.

You can stop reading this now, and go play the game!

The Control Area consists of the Command Line, Control Panel and the Inventory BOX.

The Play Area is where all the action takes place. It is a representation of a location from the story that Joe can walk around and interact with. You can move the mouse pointer around this screen pointing to objects and characters that may appear here.

The Command Line is the strip between the Play Area and the bottom of the screen where the commands that you construct are displayed.

The Control Panel consists of a number of graphic images of Actions. These Actions are open, close, move, give, look at, pick up, talk to and use. Pointing at the images will display the Action names on the Command Line.

The Inventory Box displays up to four of your inventory Items at any one time. It also contains the
left and right arrow icons. Pointing at the desired Item will display it’s name on the Command Line.

Moving Joe Around The Screen:
To make Joe walk to a point in the Play Area, just point the mouse pointer and click the Left Mouse Button (LMB). Joe will walk as near as possible to that area. If you select aplace onscreen that Joe cannot reach, he will tell you - in which case you may need to find an alternative route. To make Joe walk to an Object, simply point the mouse pointer at that Object and press the LMB.

How To Make Joe Do Things:
* In order to make Joe do your bidding, you must construct a command. A command consists of an Action and an Item or Object. For example you could select the open Action from the Control Panel
followed by the door Object from the Play Area. Click the LMB to make Joe do the command.

* Commands may also consist of Actions followed by an Object or Item followed by another Object or Item. For example you could select the use Action from the Control Panel followed by the crowbar Item from the Inventory Box. The command use crowbar on will appear on the Command Line. Now select the chest Object in the Play Area and click the LMB. The command use crowbar on chest will be carried out.

* Some Objects will have a default Action associated with them which is displayed on the Command Line.In the first room in the Hotel for example, the curtain cord object has a default use Action. When you point the mouse pointer at the curtain cord, the Command use Curtain cord appears on the Lommand Line. You can make Joe perform this default Action by clicking the Right Mouse Button (RMB).

Using Your Inventory items:

* To move through the inventory one item at a time click the LMB on the required arrow Icon.

* To move through the inventory four items at a time click the RMB on the required arrow Icon.

* All inventory items have a default Action attached to them. This is usually look at. You can automatically select the default Action by clicking the RMB on the Item. With the baseball bat Item for example, the default Action is use. By clicking the RMB on the baseball bat, the command use bat on will appear on the Command Line. To complete the command point to an Object in the Play Area (such as a door) and click the LMB. The command use bat on door will be carried out.

The AIWAYS Command:
* You can change the default Action of an Object in the Play Area or an Item in the Inventory Box by
Simply clicking on the desired Action graphic in the Control Panel with the RMB then clicking on the desired Item or Object with the RMB again.

* You may find this useful if you come across an Object that you may want to use a lot, but has a different default Action. For example, if you find a lever that has a default of look at, you can change it to use by clicking on the use Action with RMB. The command always use will appear in bright blue in the Command

* Clicking the LMB on an Item will automatically look at it regardless of the default Action.
Line. Simply click on the lever Object with the RMB again. Now the lever'’s default Action will always appear as use lever.

Culaway sequences:
A cutaway sequence can occur in the same location as Joe or in other locations with other characters.
Cutaways are non interactive and usually progress the story and/or offer some clues. When a cutaway
occurs the Control Panel and Inventory Box will turn black and white and the mouse pointer will disappear.

Cutaways can be skipped by pressing the ESCAPE key, with the exception of sequences that contain
important story information and are only played once.

I Feel Lonely And Would Like fo Talk fo Somebody.
You'll find the jungles of South America teeming with interesting people to talk to. Most of them will
have something useful to tell Joe, while others will just want to talk. Dont forget to return to your new found friends to talk some more, aS many of them will have new things to say as your adventure progresses.

Most characters will have a default talk to Action associated with them, so you can simply click the RMB to initiate conversation. A list of Sentences that you can say to the character will appear on the bottom of the screen where the Control Area is usually situated. Pointing at these sentences will
cause them to highlight, and clicking the LMB will make Joe speak that sentence.

If you want to stop talking to a character simply select an exit line. This is usually the last sentence
to be displayed and will say goodbye or something similar. If no such options are available, Simply press the ESCAPE key.

If I Press A Key What will It Do?
A number of keyboard shortcuts have been included to allow you to restart or quit the game, use your
journal or select commands from the Control Panel. And here they are!

F1 — Opens your Journal allowing you to load or save a game, or adjust music volume or text speed.
Pressing the F1 key during a cutaway will skip it and go straight to the Journal, if the cutaway can be

F5 — Restarts the game. You are prompted to make sure you really want to restart.

F10 — Quits the game. You are prompted to make sure you really want to quit.

ESC — Quits through cutaway sequences. Not all cutaway sequences can be skipped, some contain
important story information and are only played once. It also closes the Journal.

SPACE BAR — Skips through text speech and CD voice Samples. Very handy if you've heard the speech before or if you’ve already read the text speech.

The commands in the Control Panel can be selected by pressing the following keys.

O — Open
C — Close
M — Move
P — Pick up
L — Look at
U — Use
T — Talk to
G — Give

Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.

Thomas The Tank Engine´s pinball

Also knowen as Thomas The Tank Engine and friends pinball. Developed by Spidersoft and published by Alernative in 1995 for the commodore amiga.

A beautiful 4 table children´s pinball simulator. Featuring Thomas The Tank Engine and his friends James, Percy and Toby.
Each table is individually themed with loads of fun packed features. Music and sound effects, that will keep children and adults playing for houres. Easy ´set up´ to let you play the game your way.

* On screen instroctions
* Fabulouse graphics
* Smooth full scrolling or high resulution
* 3 levels of diffeculty
* 1 to 8 players
* User friendly installation and set up
* All original music and sound effects

This is real pinball for children and parrents everywhere.

Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.

Barney Bear goes Camping

This educational game, was published in 1990 by Free spirit. For the commodore amiga.

The Barney Bear Goes Camping Story

Barmey Bear and his family have decided to go on a camping trip. Barney Bear is
very excited, and has his camera ready and loaded with film. The program will ask if
you want to go hear a story or go to a ranger talk. If you select the story book in the
upper left comer, the game will start with Barney Bear at the campsite with his parents.
If you select the pine tree, the game will skip the story and go directly to the ranger talk
for stories and games.

The story begins just as Bamey Bear. his father, and his dog Skippy are about to
go on a walk in the woods. Along the way, you'll see lots of animals. To find out about
an animal, move the hand pointer onto it and press the A button. To move through the
story select Skippy.

Taking Pictures - During the walk, a small camera is pictured in the lower
right-hand comer of the picture. To take a picture, select the camera. The picture will
turn black except for a rectangular ‘viewfinder’ area. Use the arrow keys on the
controller to move the viewfinder, and when you find the picture you want, press the A
button to take the picture. You may take up to 24 pictures during the walk.

The Ranger Talk

After Bamey Bear returns to the campsite, they all go to the ranger talk. Ranger
Bob is standing to the right of the screen, and the slide projector is in the lower right.
Ranger Bob always has some fun nature facts that he would like to tell you. Each time
you select Ranger Bob he'll tell you a new nature fact. This screen is also the menu for
going to games and activities.

The Slide Projector

The slide projector is used to move to other activities. Each of the slides projected
onto the screen shows a different game or activity. Use the two arrows on the slide
projector to move through the seven different activities. When you get to the one you
want, select the screen or the button between the two arrows. The seven activities are:
Matching - When you select this stide. you enter the matching game. Four pictures are
displayed in the middle of the screen. Select the one that is different. After three times
you'll return to the ranger talk.

Footprints - When you select this slide, you enter the footprints game. A picture of an
animal appears at the top of the screen. The name of the animal is spoken, and printed
at the bottom of the screen. In the middle of the screen are 5 sets of tracks, or
footprints. Select the footprints of the animal pictured. After three times you'll return
to the ranger talk.

Although many of the tracks look similar, a litle deductive reasoning will help
children narrow down the choices. Does the animal spend a lot of time in the water?
Does it pick up its food? Does it have hooves?

Dot-to-Dot - When you select this slide you enter the dot-to-dot game. A dot-to-dot
picture appears on the top of the screen and some buttons appear below. The dot-to-dot
image is completed by selecting each numbered dot, starting with number 2.

The two arrow buttons on the lower left can be selected to move forwards and
backwards through the dot-to-dot pictures. The black dot button on the lower right is
used to tum on the red-dot feature. When selected, the next dot in the dot-to-dot picture
will turn red. As each dot is selected, the next will tum red. Selecting the dot button
again will tum off this feature. The quit button returns you to the ranger talk.

Mazes - When you select this slide you enter the maze game. The first screen allows
you to sclect your choice of a easy, medium or hard maze. The maze is then drawn on
the screen. The squirrel wants to find his acom! You have to help move the squirrel
(the little set of footprints) through the maze to the acom. To move, select one of the
direction arrows in the middle of the screen. After you reach the acom you retum to the
ranger talk. You can also use the quit button to return to the ranger talk at any time.
Photo Show - When you select this slide, you get to watch a slide show of the pictures
you took during your walk. To move from picture to picture. press the A button (it
doesn‘t matter where on the screen you are.) After all of the pictures have been
displayed, you retum to the ranger talk menu screen.

Shadow Game - When you select this slide, you enter the shadow game. A picture of
an animal appears at the top of the screen. In the middle of the screen are 5 different
shadows or outlines. Select the shadow that matches the outline of the animal pictured.
After three times you’ll return to the ranger talk.

Painting - When you select this slide, you enter the painting program. After a few
words, the picture of Barney Bear and the dear will be drawn with no color. To paint
areas of the picture, move the hand to the area you want to paint and press the A
button. That area wil! then fill with color. The brush just to the right of the picture
shows the current color selected. To pick a new color, move the hand pointer to a new
color in the paint box on the right and press the A button. The paintbrush will change
to show you color you have selected. Below the picture arc ten buttons that you can
select. Here is the function of each:

Right & Left Arrows; Move through picutres.

Color squares: Cycle the colors in the picture. Select a second time to stop cycling.

Square: Erase the current picture.

Squiggly Line; Turn on freehand drawing. To draw, press and hold the A button for
a thin line or the B button for a thick line.

Straight Line; Turn on line drawing. Move the hand pointer to the starting point of
your line, press and hold the A button and move the pointer to where you want the
line to end. When you release the A button, the line is drawn. To draw rays, move
the hand pointer to the center of the rays, press and hold the B button and move
the pointer.

Box: Tum on box drawing. Move the hand pointer to where you want a comer of the
box, press and hold the A button, and move away from the comer until the box is
the size and shape you want. The box is drawn when you release the button. Use
the B button for thicker boxes.

Circle; Turn on circle drawing. Move the hand pointer to where you want the center of
the circle, press and hold the A button and move away from the center. The circle
is drawn when you release the button. To draw ellipses, use the B button.

White Circle: Turn on the eraser. Press and hold the A button for a fat eraser, or the B
button for a thin eraser.

Stop Sign: Quit the painting program and go back to the ranger talk.

Saying Goodbye

To quit the game, press one of the arrows on the slide projector until the Goodbye slide

appears. Click on the screen. A picture wil! appear asking if you want to say goodbye.

Click YES to quit, or NO to go back to the ranger talk.

©1991 Free Spirit Software. 58 Noble St.. Kutztown, PA 19530. All rights reserved.

Narration by Terry Frederick.

Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.

Indiana jones and the last crusade

Arcade version of the famous movie of the same name. Made by Tiertex and published by Lucasfilm for the commodore amiga in 1989. Dr. He...