Alien Breed 3D

The Alien Breed saga began in 1992 when Team17 released the original. a six level arcade-style overhead blaster. The game proved to be a huge success. paving the way for a full-blown sequel in Alien Breed 2. and later the massive, more strategic Alien Breed : Tower Assault. Now. with the current thirst for 3D games. Team17 are extremely proud to present one of the most technically thrilling, atmospheric and genuinely playable games ever devised for the Amiga - Alien Breed 3D!

With dynamic 3D level design. first person perspective. real-time action and the option to play
head-to-head with machine linkup, Alien Breed 3D is a milestone in the development of Amiga games.

Trapped in an alien environment. you must escape through [6 complex levels. defeating all manner of incredible enemies with an arsenal of devastating weaponry that you find on your way Puzzles and traps have to be solved. you even have to negotiate submerged sections in order to win through.

This is the 3D adventure you've been waiting for... This is Alien Breed 3D.

Now The Story Continues...

Eyes Only - Triple Alpha Clearance

Ident Code 0294615349

To : General R.E.Grant
Earth Defence Force - Titan Base

From 2 Captain J.T.Reynolds
Commanding Osiris III

Message as tollows (Encrpt code 47984-771073):


I‘ve very little time. The Breed have got out! They've taken over the
station. By pure chance I was outside when they made their move.

I've loved some supplies and weapons in the disused observatory.

I intend to return to the base and search tor some way to get oif this
planet- You must send the fleet to wipe this place clean whether I
succeed or not.

My oxygen is low I expect 1 have less than eighteen hours grace.

Wish me luck. General
Reynolds out.

Excerpt from Progress Report 4098 by Dr. Alan Stout - Director of Project Osiris The eggs discovered in the aftermath of Azarin have proved fertile. Culture solution 34/R has resulted in over 70% hatching. The growth rate is phenomenal. We’re already seeing second generation clones. Modification and enhancement projects have been submitted...

Excerpt from Progress Report 4123 by Dr. J. Cleary - Head of Bio-engineering The first phase of cybemetic enhancement is complete. Primary evaluation shows a high level of rejection and unstable bonding. Plans to introduce human DNA into the genome should improve stability by 30-40%.

Excerpt from Internet Memo by D. Deakin´s - Maintenance and Support Services Given the astronomical increase in temporary system failures I need an extra digital-neuron technician to run diagnostics on all systems. Especially containment. Thank God. none of those have failed yet.


Level 1: The gate
The basse looms dead and silent in front of me, blotting out the sky. The main entrance is out of the question, choked with rubble and bodies, not all of them human. I didn´t look too closley. Picking my way through the debris around the perimeter, I find a way in, A serice entrance located in a storage bay below ground level. I grip my pulse rifel tightly and lower myself into the pit. No turning back now.....

Level 2:  Storage bay - KOOPAMFJFFNNFFFF
Taking my life in my hands, I jump into the teleporter. Hoping it will take me further into the complex, although I´m pretty hazy about what I´m going to do when I get there. As I materialize, however, my hopes sink. The transporter was intenden for freight only, and I find myself in a huge empty storage room. Looks like I´ll have to find some other way in. The breed howl there greetings as i stride forward.

Level 3: Sewer network - OKOOEGBLBENNFFFF
In the computer room I try to call up a map, or blueprint, or anything to tell me where I ought to be heading. The only plans I can access from this terminal, however, are some schematics for the sewer system. Poring over them I find a possible route. There´s a waste outlet I can reach form my current location which seems to lead further into the complex. Unfortunately, the sewers are partially flooded most of the time. And sloshing through thigh-deep sewage is not my idea of fun. It seems to be the only way forward, though, and retreat into the infested passages behind me is an even less inviting prospect......

Level 4: The courtyard - KPKOEOLLBENNFEMN
Shivering and sweating at the same time, I try to shake the icy water from my clothes and take in my new surroundings. I think I must be somewhere in the research department. The token military presence I commanded here was always discouraged from poking their noses into matters that didn´t concern them. Lokking around I catch my breath, this place is enormous. Even bigger than I had thought. The purpose of this area elundes me. The cavernous rooms and winding staircases serve no immediately visible function. Stepping over the huddled body of another luckless soldier I back up against the cold stone wall and edge towards the corner. The hate-filled cries of the breed echo through the dim vaulted chambers. This strange place is anything but deserted.....

Level 5: System purge - PLKKMELLFENJFEMN
As I pause for breath I notice a sign on the wall nearby: COMBAT TEST ARENA ALPHA
Pointing back the way I have just come. Now it makes more sense! All those rooms and walkways were some sort of testing ground for - what? The grotesque experiments now littering the halls with there bodies? Or something else, something I haven´t seen yet, perhaps? I glance around nervously as the thought takes shape, but as my eyes adjust to the gloom I see nothing but bank upon bank of computers stretching as far as the eye can see. Now this is more like it! If I can gain access somehow, I might be able to find a way to escape! A databank this size must hold all sort of useful information. There are no terminals though. Maybe if I find my way out I cna hack in from somewhere nearby.
A gurgling, half-human grunt behind me makes me spin around, heart pounding....

Level 6: The mines - POKKIMKLAENJFEMN
As I had hoped, there is a room just outside the entrance to the computer store with an operational terminal. After nearly two hours of desperate hacking, the computers grudgingly furnish me with the information I need. A replay of the message my second in command sent to our superiors off-planet when the outbreak became unstoppable. He was planning to escape on our private shuttle, after disabling the cooling system ont the main reactor. I watch in dismay as his message is cut short. The horde of slavering breed which break down the door and devour him alive pay no heed to the camera still recording his screams. A split second later the net security catches up with my activities and the terminal shots down. I know what I must do. A reactor meltdown would blow this whole wretched place into orbit and the breed with it. And I might just live to see it happen. But to go any further I need a high-clearance access card. The security systems here aare not responding to my palm print or retina scan. The breed howl mockingly as I set out to find it....

Level 7: The furnace - KKKOIGKLFEJNFEMN
I found the access card, along with the remains of its owner. What posessed him to flee into the mines no-one will ever know. His midly surprised face gazing up at me from its watery hiding place is an image I have difficulty banishing from my mind. Along with many others. The transporter takes me down and down into the substructure of the base. According to my route plan, I should be able to get back into the main building further on, saving time and avoiding some dangerous areas. This way is far from safe though, a lot of fuel lines go through this area.....

Level 8: Test arena gamma - PPKKIOKLFFINNFKN
As soon as I step into the transporter I realise something is wrong. The instrument panel dangles from a jumble of wires, Sparks and smoke ussue from within. I curse loudly and lunge for the door, a faulty transporter can be lethal. But before I can get out, something within the scorched mess of electronics crackles and I am - somewhere else. After checking that I am in fact still whole, I look uneasily around myself. An icy chill settles over my heart as I see a sign -  scored and dented by some massive impact - whict reads: COMBAT TEST ARENA: GAMMA
The huge exit door is locked. I´m going to have to find the key. Hopefully whatever they were isn´t still here.....

Level 9: Surface zone - LLKOCEKLFEIJNFLJ
Glad to be alive, I stumble out of the combat arena and collapse, the door slamming shut behind me.
When I come to my senses again, I find myself on some sort of lift. The only way seems to be upwards, but I have no idea where it will take me. My only hope is to find another terminal and get back on track. Exhausted, I bandage my wounds as best I can and stagger to my feet. I press a nearby button and the lift judders upwards in response. I wipe my sweaty palms on my jacket and grip my gun more tightly - things are too quiet up here....

Level 10: Training area - LOKOCMKLFEIJNFLJ
I am beginning to think that there is simply no end to this hellish place. My fevered imagination conjures up an entire planet riddled with these dark corridors and rooms, empty and deserted except for the screams and the breed. With difficulty I get a grip on myself. A barely readable notice on the wall gives me hope. One of the facilities it mentions, the administration block, was right near the route the computer game me. Straightening with new purpose, I set my jaw and continue. But in the shadow ahead, the breed reach out for me....

Level 11: Admin block - PKKOCGKLFEIJNFLJ
I made it! The transporter dumps me in a brightly-lit room in the administration center. Supplies are at hand, and I waste no time provisioning myself. All that remains is for me to find my way out of here and I´ll be right on top of the reactor core! I press the panel which opens the door with renewed hopw. I might just beat them yet.....

Level 12: The pit - LPKOCOKLFEIJNFLJ
I smal the door af the admin block behind me, and stare about wildly. I hadn´t expected so much resistance, what has happened here? I can only assume that I am approaching the centre of the infestation. But here! On the wall opposite, a sign pointing the way to the reactor control room!
I lurch off in the direction it points, but am brought up shot with a shout of despair. The whole corridor is blocked with rubble! I punch the wall in anger and fustration, but I will not - cannot - give up now. I look around desperately, a wall plan nearby shows no other connection corridors, but there is an alternative route. A winding tunnel leading to a deep borehole. From there I can ride a lift back up to the surface and gain access to the reactor from the other side. I stare for a while at the mountain of debris, mere yards on the other side of which is my goal, then turn my back and walk away......

The lift takes me up to ground level, but what had been marked as a passageway on the plane, turns out to be still under construction. Wetting a finger and holding it aloft I find that there is indeed a sluggish current of air from the black passage ahead, but the labyrinth of caves also echoes with the cries of the enemy. I briefly consider returning to the pit and trying to find a diffenrent way, but shudder and dismiss the idea immediately. Gritting my teeth, I plunge into the darkness with guns ablaze.....

Level 14: Reactor core - OOKOKMKLFEIJNBKJ
Getting to the reactor control center proves to be only half the battle. The place is a maze of corridors and rooms centred around the - maddeningly close but still unreachable - reactor core itself.
Somehow I must raise the walk.ways leading to the cooling system and extract it from the core.
Then I´ll have about two hours to get into orbit before meltdown occurs. If the shuttle is flight-ready, that´s no problem. If not...

Level 15: Cooling tower - LKKOKGKLFEIJNBKJ
Mission accomplished, I pelt out of the reactor core towards the command center, witch lies some distance from the main base. First though I have to get out of the power plant, and with fuel coming to the boil in the groaning pipes all around me, that´s easier said than done. The corridors here are thick with the breed too, and I´m going to have to wade right through them. My own scream of rage and hate rising to challange the horde, I charge the lot of them....

Level 16: Command center - OPKOKOKLFEIJNBKJ
Slamming the door shut on the grasping claws and rending teeth, silence engulfs me. I turn and lean on the wall, heaving a sigh of relief. The reactor is behind me now, and all that remains is for me to find the shuttle and get out of here. Grabbing as much equipment as I can carry, I set of, the nearness of my goal gurring me on. I pass a sign: COMMAND CENTER: AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. CLEARANCE MU T BE OB AINED FRO. The rest of it is unreadable, a charred mess. I resolve to be on the look out for anyone who looks likely to hold a passkey. As I step outside I can see the command center, the only amess from this side see,omgæu voa a gamtry high overhead. Somewhere there must be a way up to that gantry. And somewhere there´s a passkey to get me inside....

Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.


This first person shooter was developed by black magic in 1995, and published by Guildhall. For the amiga 1200.

l glanced up at the flag waving forlornly in the acid sharp breeze. ‘The United States of Earth' was what it represented, but the enormous number of stars it had accumulated over the centuries made it look more like a dirty rag. I turned my attention back to the N.W.O. building ahead. It was, as it was meant to be, an imposing building, both in size and in design. It sharp spires, oddly coloured windows and antique building materials were the ultimate tribute to the ugliness of an age long passed. I had only been here twice before, and the results of each visit are still etched in my mind - as are anyone's worst horrors...

Seated before the council of 7, I struggled to maintain a dignified calm. The room was cemetery quiet - the old men holding me firmly in their collective gaze. At length, one of them rose to speak...

The New World Order Greet you agent Black. Thank you for arriving so promptly'. I grinned inwardly at the rhetorical compliment. He continued...

We of the council have reason to believe that the Cultists are operating again.’ My stomach froze. I had really known this all along, although l had not wanted to believe it. My other missions for the N.W.O. had involved the Cultists, and both had involved more violence than any man could be expected to endure. But I had survived, sanity more-or-Iess intact, and had made the mistake of thinking the N.W.O. we set fit to retire me from further Cultist missions.

‘Evidence suggests that Cultist infiltrators are smuggling equipment and resources off Earth, on an Earth Starcruiser, and are time jumping to cover their activities. We believe we know which Starcruiser is involved but due to the time jumping have no strong evidence to implicate it.'. My mind reeled - Time jumping? Had they really gone that far? The dangers of time jumping had long ago been established, ever since spacecraft were capable of reaching the phenomenal speeds necessary - it’s tendency to unravel the very fabric of the universe - the mind shattering effect it had on it’s practitioners.

‘We have arranged with the owner of the concerned shipping company to have you teleported aboard the suspected StarCruiser. She has personally guaranteed us of your safe cover and passage. Your mission is simply to determine the Cultist's destination, and return such information to us. Again, we
thank you for your co-operation.’ He sat. I left.

l had a bad feeling about this mission. It nagged at me all through a mostly sleepless night, right up until I reported to the Teleport Centre the next day. As I lay on the teleport couch, watching one reality fade while another took it's place, I hoped that things would go as smoothly as the council has

Yeah! right! As you emerge from the teleport, plasma cannon at the ready, Hordes of Cultist warriors rush you from dark corners of the StarCruiser! You, or you and a friend, must find the exit before you get killed...and eventually locate the Cultist's destination. Along the way, you collect Weapon boosts for your cannon, the occasional healthy drink, and lots of other goodies! You begin a game with three lives, and continue until you either run out of lives, or discover the secret of Gloom.

Undead servants of Gloom
Barely visible to the human eye, these poor souls are doomed to a life of tormented servitude. Their arrival is heralded by an unearthly shriek, while their lack

Dedicated to the mysterious ways of the Cult, Metaphisix is a bit of an enigma. Metaphisix is reputed to be capable of removing a man's soul while leaving

To aid you in your dispatch of the various foes you will encounter playing Gloom, you are equipped with a standard issue Plasma Cannon. Your cannon is capable of five degrees of firepower, and can be boosted by collecting weapon powerups. Collecting a weapon powerup of the same type as you are using will increase your Plasma Cannon’s firing rate.

You will meet many strange and unpleasant creatures during your travels. Here is a brief description of some to watch out for.

Cultist Warrior
You will encounter many of these during the early phases of your mission. Although not too bright, the Cultist Warrior is a persistent foe.

Terran Construction Droid (Terra)'
Slow moving but hard to destroy, Terra is also armed with a high energy Plasma rifle. Watch out for these!

Gloom is the first game for newcomers Black Magic. Boasting varying degrees of involvement in such hits as Skidmarks, Guardian, Overkill and Blitz Basic, Black Magic are concentrating on producing exciting, action packed games. If you’ve got any comments or questions regarding Gloom, please feel free to write to us. Why not write to us anyway and let us know you care!
Expect more Black Magic very soon...

Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.

Wings of fury

It is 1990 when the developer Unlimited, decided to make wings of fury for the commodore amiga. And Brøderbund helps to distribute this great game all over the world.

A Time of Fury

It is 1944 and world is a war. Europe is ablaze with a conflict that engulfs her like the flames of hell, leaving a path of destruction wherever it burns. The Far East, too, is being consumed by a furious struggle for dominance. In the Pacific theater, the Allies face an enemy possessed of great skill and a relentless determination. As the tide begins to turn in favor of the Allies, the enemy struggles ever more desperately to maintain the footholds it had gained earlier in the war.

However, both on the sea and in the air, the U.S. Navy proves to be more than a match for its 0pponents. One reason for this is the incredible striking power of the Navy's Air Force. It is instrumental in defeating the enemy in battle after battle. Within the Navy's air command, one plane seems to be leading the fight for an Allied victory: the mighty F6F Hellcat!

The Hellcat is incredibly powerful and durable, a real work horse capable of bearing bombs, rockets and torpedoes. Able to outmaneuver the enemy's best fighter planes, the Hellcat has established one of the best kill-to-loss ratios in the war.

Now you have the opportunity to fly your very own Hellcat. You'll be assigned to provide air support for the USS Wasp. This aircraft carrier has been heavily damaged and must make its way safely back to port. On this perilous journey, you must defend the carrier against torpedo bombers, rout the enemy from their island strongholds, sink enemy vessels the lie en route to home port and protect yourself by shooting down enemy planes.

Strapping yourself into the cockpit, you face a tremendous responsibility. The fate of the carrier and every man onboard has been placed in your experienced hands. As the signal officer gives you the go, you give your Cat full throttle and take off into the unknown skies before you. Just minutes off
the deck, you sight the first sign of trouble: a pair of enemy fighters bearing down on you from above...

LT. Junior Grade
LT. Commander

Also see my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.


The computer game. A Nikki corruptions corp. production. Produced by Suomen Elokuva-tarkastamo and Karjala studios Released in december 1991 for the commodore amiga.

Once upon a time... There was a common known place, far away in a distant land.
It was called... Korvatuntski.

There, on a hilltop lived a peaceloving man named Julgubbe. He had a strange obsession...
Every 24th of december, he rides over the contry and gives presents to nice children...

But now, something weird was happening... Now, the fate of the whole globe lies upon you...

Hello world!
Welcome to another Nikki corruptions production. Released in dec. 91 - jan. 92.

The saga continues... This time it´s... Julbubbe the game. One dark december evening, pukin lelupaja had been attacked! Evil forces had decided to start a plutonium factory on korvatunturi. Only you can stop the invasion of THE FAKE SANTAS!

Press mouse to start the game!!!

use mouse to aim your walther ppk, press button to kick santa´s ass. Be a folkshero, and try to collect points by killing bad guys! You´ll get 10 points each hiphop-santa, 5 points for a psycho-gubbe.

If you kill on of santa´s reindeer, you´ll lose 5 point. Killing santa himself will take 10 points of your score, and you´ll get a mark. Also, if a hiphop-santa gets away, you´ll get a mark.

For a missed psycho, you´ll lose 5 points. A missed bullit will cost you 2 points. Between levels one miss will vanish.

When you´ve got 9 marks, the game is over!
Good luck, give em´ a shot.

Now the official x-mas chatting...
GASP! It´s x-mas eve 1991 right now, and here we are.
Don´t you remember, it´s us, it´s... ARTTU AND ODIN!!!
OBS! Nazu is nowadays called odin...

The authors of this masterpiece are ofcoz arttu - code, GFX, SFX. Miguel - NC logo.
And of coz... Odin the wargod for support.

We would like to send our handshakes, so we´re gonna do it! And they´re going to:
Mika (nice work with movies!)
Anza S
Minna K
Saku (stop drinking, it´s bad for Haima Eiku...)
Tommi P
Heikki (tack for renting me your amplefier!)
Oudin the fool rider (hope you read this)
CP Arthur
Now all the glorious brownies of NC!
And they are:
Jukkis - boss
Farqu - code, music, nice fella!
Arska - code, graffy
Zytax - code (hi pal!)
Ferro - SFX (doing fine!)
Miguel - GFX
Odin - GFX, swap
Mad cat - swap
Kerberos - swap
Johnny - code
Charon - geffex (welcome, buddy!)
Eurosportty - code
Ink - GFX
Julgubbe - guest starring!!!

And if you didn´t find yourself on the list, better pick the phone and make a wild call...
Porsanta aidin oomme kaikki, oomme kaikki!!!

NC - underweare scientists

For trading heavy, speed and death metal, take your pen, and write down odin´s addy...

Normal swapping´s ok, too!
Well, now the address...
Odin of NC
Kalle Hermansson
Saastajankatu 19G 37
33840 tre, Finland

The music swapping on C-cassettes, please!


Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.

Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone

Beat 'em up fighting game from Arcadia, aka Mastertronic. Made for the amiga in 1991. The Lee brothers is on a new mission.This time to find the Rosetta stone. This is the last game in the trilogy.

The Lee Brothers face their toughest mission to date as Hiruko the ancient
soothsayer guides them to the possible location of the elusive Rosetta Stone.

This journey will call upon their greatest skills as they face treachery and evil forces
on their missions through exotic landscapes. Billy and Jimmy will need to work
together to discover once and for all the evil that lies behind the secret of the stones.
Will their years of meditation and training be enough for them to survive this
perilous journey? The choice is yours!!

Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.
You can buy this game on STEAM.


Made by BlueSky in 1991 and published by Disney for the commodore amiga.

Canaima, you´ve got spiders!
As you know from the local newspaper headlines, radio reports, and coroner inquests, our country has been invaded by a lethal spider accidently imported from Sout America. McClintock infestation management welcomes this opportunity to show off our capabilities and espand our business. In fact, the war on arachnids is increasing so rapidly. We have immediate openings for persons with the proper bug busting moxie to fit into our entomological SWAT team.


Ask yourself:
* could you dodge a baseball with 8 legs, a hairy bod and a posonous sac?
* Could you hit a black dot with a billowing toxic mist at 20 paces?
* Could you tell a spider from a canary?

Extermination is a crusade for us. In relationship to the insect world, we´re a bit like the roman armies of old. We´er cruel. Vengeful, even. But we fill an important niche in the ecosystem and our pay is competitive. If I´ve thoroughly convinced you of the extreme importance of the arachnid abatement technician in this delicate world balance of man vs. insect, grab your teflon swatter and let´s rock ´n´ roll!

Lesson 1: A guideline to you workday
What we got are, towns. Hysterical towns. Canaima´s not the only one demanding our expert services. Sister cities throughout the stat are clamoring for assistance. Why don´t these cities simply walk their fingers through the phone directory and support their own economies by hiring local exterminators? Toxi_Max - the private McClintock stock that´s why. Fumigatory four star finery. And right now it´s the only juice that´s effective on the varmints.

As a part of our team, I am assigning you a company vehicle with unlimited mileage. You´re going to travel from town to town, making house calls on hysterical inhabitants. In each community defenseless domiciles have been pre-empted by these conscience less beasties. 

Here´s the guideline to your workday:
1. When you arrive in a town, you get an overhead map of the area on your monitor. Pick the building you want to go into and stop your truck in front of it to enter.

2. Go through the house, school, cemetery - or wherever else you may be. Find the queen spider, and blast the mother! she rules the roost, if you can eradicate her hairy rear, that town is once again safe for inhabitation. As you make your path toward her, you´ll undoubtedly have to nuke quite a few of her evil minions, the soldier spiders.

3. Across the bottom of your monitor are: That´s me. I represent the status of your helth. The sticker I look, the sicker you are!

Soldier spider
This non-reproducing queen offspring can infiltrate your home or business by the hundreds. Look for them both high and low. When they´re not shuffling at shoelace level, these gymnostic little buggers will leap up from the fround or swing down form the ceiling. Fortunately, one good shot of Toxi-Max spray insecticide ensecticide ensures their immediate demise.

You can withstand gour af their little toothy bites before succumbing. How can you survive four whien mere mortals buckle under one? Credit to McClintock uniform that you´re wearing with pride, carefully handwoven by the lovely ladies of the Canaima seniors center to make spider fang penetration especially difficult.

Queen spider
The colorful markings on here legs and abdomen disguise the deadly serious nature of this momma. She is highly aggressive and strangely intelligent, actually seeking out human prey. Tough as nails, she needs many strong doses of Toxi-Max insecticide before expiring. Bug bombs will temporarily slow her down, giving you the opportunity asphyxiate her with multiple shots of insecticide spray or completely toast her with the hot flame of an ignited aerosol can.

Two bites form this femme fatale and you´re a proverbial notch in her belt. Take my advice, don´t get close enough to see her whites of her eyes, especially since she  doesn´t have any.

Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.

Double Dragon II: The revenge

Made by Binary Design in 1989 for the commodore amiga. Double Dragon II: The revenge is the second in the trilogy. This is the sequel to double dragon.

Fighting through the hostile terrain, Billy and Jimmy will encounter thugs and villains (see the Cast List for details). Some of them will be armed, and it may be possible to force them to drop their
weapons to the floor. Every now and again you’ll find that a careless hoodlum has left a useful weapon lying on the ground. Whenever you get the chance, pick up a weapon and put it to use.
Spades, daggers, powerballs, boxes, chains, grenades, logs and whips can all be wielded to good effect against the marauding hordes. Be sure to take advantage of every opportunity to even the
odds. As skilled fighters, Billy and Lee immediately become masters of any weaponry you can get into their hands.

Things didn’t go too well after all. When the Black Warriors gang kidnapped Marian and sparked off the previous expedition onto the city streets, her sweetheart Billy Lee saved the day. With the help
of his brother, Jimmy, Billy managed to rescue Marian and dispose of the evil leader of the Black Warriors - a gun-toting villain by the name of Willy.

At the end of Double Dragon I, the city streets had been rendered a much safer place with the Black Warriors put permanently out of action. Or so everyone thought.

Billy and Jimmy didn’t kill ALL the Warriors. The solitary surviving member of the gang nursed herself back to health, and spent several years studying ancient oriental arts of healing. At the far fringes of the ancient medical science she studied, there is an area of what can only be called magic - magic powerful enough to reincarnate the dead. Linda, for it was she, perfected her powers of Undhai, or magic medicine, to the point where she had the ability to raise the mortal remains of the dead. She learnt how to breathe life back into the human remains left behind by souls long departed from this planet.

No prizes for guessing what Linda's main aim was. But first, she practised her powers on the remains of a few dead yobboes, lowly members of the Black Warriors gang, to make sure she had full
mastery of the magic before concentrating on raising Willy himself. Before the Brothers Lee realised what was happening, the Black Warriors were up to full strength once more and back in action. And
it seems Linda’s early experiments produced one or two mutated gang members...

Driven by a powerful urge for revenge (sharpened by five years being dead) Willy ordered his minions to kidnap Marian once more. Within days of his command being issued, the hapless girl found herself transported to Willy’s secret base. Never a thug to make the same mistake twice, Willy immediately murdered Marian and locked her remains in a magic field conjured up by Linda. (Who
achieved remarkably rapid promotion within the hierarchy of the Black Warriors as a result of her success in getting Willy up and about.)

Once again, the twins set out on a quest to rescue Marian - but this time their mission is likely to be even more complicated. Starting out in the city’s heliport, Billy and Jimmy have to battle their way
down a lift shaft, into and through a warehouse and out into the open countryside. Fighting their way up a cliff, they reach a hilltop where a door to Willy's secret base is hidden. Marian’s body lies
entombed in the centre of this hideout, and to stand any chance of rescuing her and returning her soul to this world, the heroes have to kill Willy and then do battle with their own tortured souls...

Only when the Warriors and Willy have been defeated can the magic field that shields Marian’s remains be penetrated. The Lees are twins, but they are also the seventh sons of a seventh son, so have magical powers bestowed on them as their Shinto birthright. When they have defeated their own souls in combat, they will draw sufficient power from the ether to enact a Shinto resurrection
ceremony and restore Marian to life.

With the Warriors finally eradicated and Marian restored to the peak of health, Billy, Jimmy and Marian will pass through a portal into another space-time continuum and - hopefully - live a long and
peaceful life together.

Fight, fight and fight some more is the only way to rescue Marian. Billy can stage a one-brother rescue mission, but the chances of success are much higher if he can enter the fray with Jimmy by his
side. (If two players embark on the quest to raise Marian, then they should work as a team and remember to keep an eye on their respective partners.)

Each of the five game sections has to be completed before the timer above the main screen reaches zero - or the heroes lose one of their precious Shinto lives. Hits from members of the Black
Warrior wrecking crew also reduce the Lees' lifeforce, taking power from the brothers” two Iifestatus displays shown below the screen. The total number of lives Billy and Jimmy have at their disposal is shown by a digital readout immediately above their Iifeforce meters.

The route to Marian’s location takes the battling boys relentlessly to the right of the screen. The only way to move from one section of the play area to the next is to kill off all the Warriors lurking there
once the zone is empty the Guiding Hand will appear in the skies, urging Billy and Jimmy to move to the exit point.

As Jimmy and Billy have led such clean, honest lives, the Shinto Powers that rule the universe have granted them a limited level of immortality to be going on with. (Should they succeed in the
mission, full Shinto Deity status is accorded to them before they move on to another space-time continuum.) If one of the brothers Lee should meet an untimely end, it is possible to activate one of
the five immortality credits the Shinto Powers have granted - the quest can continue with a freshly rejuvenated hero.

Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.
You can buy this game on STEAM.

Double Dragon

You already know this game from the arcade hall. In 1989 Arcadia aka Mastertronic made this game available for your commodore amiga. Later came double dragon II and double dragon #3.

Double Dragon is' the story of two twin brothers, Billy and jimmy Lee, facing the odds together
in a city where survival has to be learned the hard way. Their knowledge of the martial arts,
combined with the experience of tough urban existence, has made them both formidable
fighting machines, ready for any challenge that comes their way.

But now the brothers are faced with their greatest challenge ever. Billy’s girl Marian has been
kidnapped by the Black Warriors, a savage and ruthless street gang led by the mysterious
Shadow Boss. Using skills gained from a lifetime on the streets, and whatever weapons come to
hand - including knives, whips, baseball bats, rocks, and even oil-drums - Billy and Jimmy must
pursue the gang through the sprawling slums, factories and outskirts of the city, to reach the
thugs' hideout for a final confrontation with the infamous Shadow Boss!

BILLY lit: Height 5’10”. Weight 165 lbs Billy began his Kung Fu
training at the age of 12 and became a Kung Fu Sosaiken Master
at 20.

IIMMY LEE: Height 5' l 0". Weight 1 70 lbs. Billy's twin brother and
also a master in the martial arts.

lOl’AR: Height 5’8". Weight 1 75 lbs. Packs a nasty right and left
punch, and gets a kick out of hurling oil-drums around.

ABOBO: Height 6’3”. Weight 167 lbs. The Middle Boss, Abobo
likes to slap people about.

WILLIAMS: Height 5'8”. Weight 167 lbs. Has perfected a strong
jump-kick, and is very handy with a knife or baseball bat.

lINDA: Height 5’4”. Weight 1 I4 lbs. Watch out for her swift right
and left punches. She also cracks a mean whip.

CHINTAI: Height 5’6”. Weight 152 lbs. A Karate Master.
Enough said

WlllY: Height 6’. Weight 205 lbs. The Big Boss, Willy is armed
with a machine gun and, needless to say, won't hesitate to use it.

As you hunt through the urban decay of the city you will find boxes, rocks, oil-drums, knives,
baseball bats and whips. All can be picked up (by moving neara weapon and pressing Fire) and
used in fights (by pressing Fire when a weapon is held).

The action in Double Dragon takes place in 5 different scenarios: the City Slum, the Industrial
Area, the Forest, and outside and inside the Boss’s Hideout.


You have a vast range of fighting skills at your disposal. Individual attacking moves are
detailed below:

LEFT OR RIGHT PUNCH - press Fire to punch your opponent in the direction you are facing.
KICK- move joystick to the right and press Fire to kick fowvard. If you can getvery close to your
opponent, you can turn the kick into a HAIR GRAB KICK. And you can turn a hair grab kick into
a SHOULDER THROW by reversing joystick and pressing Fire.

HEAD-BU“ - move joystick down and press Fire to head-butt your opponent

JUMP-KICK FORWARD - move joystick in south-east direction and press Fire

WHIRLWIND KICK - move joystick in south-west direction and press Fire to turn and kick
ELBOW BACKWARD - move joystick to the left and press Fire to elbow an opponent
behind you

JUMP BACKWARD - move the joystick up and left and press Fire.

JUMP UP - move the joystick up and press Fire.

JUMP FORWARD - move the joystick up and right and press Fire.

At the bottom of the screen are shown two sectioned bar displays, one for each player. Each bar
represents one ‘life’ which is used up as Billy takes the enemy’s shots. (The number of lives
remaining is shown next to the bar.)

At the top of the screen, beneath the scores, is a display of how much time you have left to
complete that level. just like the Arcade, if you are still hanging around when the clock runs out,
you lose a life. Life is tough on the streets.

Keep fighting you way to the right using whatever weapon you can find. Beware of allowing the
bad guys to rob you of a weapon too close to the edge of the screen -you will not be able to
pick it up again!

If you lose all your lives, you can use up one of the five ‘credits’ you start the game with - drop
another quarter in - and continue on, just like the Arcade! Once all your credits are gone, so
are you.

Press Fire to use a credit and continue on from your present position when you lose all your lives
and are prompted to do so on screen.

Clear out the trash on one level to move on the next. Your girl is at the end of level 5 - go

get her! Watch for the thumb to tell you when to move on! If two players play as a team to fight
through more enemies, it gets even more interesting towards the end. Keep your wits about
you and one eye on your partner!

Also read my beginner´s guide to getting started playing abandonware.
You can buy this game on STEAM.

Indiana jones and the last crusade

Arcade version of the famous movie of the same name. Made by Tiertex and published by Lucasfilm for the commodore amiga in 1989. Dr. He...